I’ve now reached critical mass of paintings lying on my living room walls so if you fancy any of the available one - just ask away 🙏🏼
There’s so much shit in the world. There’s good, bad, mad, sad, ugly, happy. But I just love beauty. Oil on canvas, 120 x 60 - SOLD
Drunk on life. Oil and acrylic on canvas, 80 x 80 - SOLD
Pain(t) away. Acrylic on canvas - AVAILABLE
Life at the edge. Oil on canvas, 30 x 20 - AVAILABLE
You see me right through my dneye. Oil and acrylic on canvas, 120 x 60 - SOLD
Dancing when the world burns. Oil on canvas, 80 x 80 - SOLD
The space that’s in between insane and insecure. Oil on canvas, 120 x 60 - AVAILABLE
Sunflower theory. Oil and acrylic on canvas, 120 x 80 - AVAILABLE
I don’t know how it all started. When I was much younger, I used to write, a lot. That was my way of processing feelings and emotions. Then life got in the way, my Italian stopped working and my English wasn’t working well enough. So I started ink drawing - black on white, tattoo style, for years. Sometimes obsessively, sometimes I’d go months without touching my sketchbook. I would never use colours tho - I was scared of it. Then one day, mid 2022, I bought some canvasses and some back paint and started playing around. I painted some shapes to hang on my wall, I made a funky chair off of something I found on the street, and repurposed an old frame. Then I had the wild idea to give my best friend a painting for her 30th birthday so I started playing around with spray paint, acrylic and - oh yes - colours. It was so much fun. Did a few acrylic painting and decided to give oil a go, after a very informative ‘how to oil paint’ Q&A with ChatGPT. Now half of my living room is a makeshift art studio and there’s few things I’d rather do than put some music on and throw colours on a canvas.